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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  1. Title/Heading: The title should accurately reflect the subject matter of the paper and be relevant to the content of the work.
  2. Author Affiliation: Each author's full name, department, institution/university, and city must be included with the article.
  3. Corresponding Author: The corresponding author's full name, department, institution/university, city, state, country, telephone number, fax, and email address should be provided.
  4. Abstract: The abstract should be concise, clearly summarizing the scope, objectives, and significant outcomes of the study. It should effectively convey the key findings and the potential implications or future research directions.
  5. Keywords: List keywords in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons. Keywords should be relevant and descriptive of the subject.
  6. Manuscript Structure:
    • Introduction: Outline the research problem and provide a review of relevant literature, highlighting previous findings and setting the context for the study.
    • Materials and Methods: Describe the research design, sample or population, data collection techniques, and the methods used for measurement.
    • Results: Present your findings using appropriate text, charts, graphs, and tables. Include legends for all figures and tables.
    • Discussion: Interpret the results, explain the significance of the findings, and suggest directions for future research.
    • References: Use the Vancouver Reference Style for citations.

Acknowledgments: Recognize any individuals, organizations, grants, or funding sources that supported the research. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Before submitting, authors must ensure that their submission meets the following criteria:

  • The manuscript has not been previously published or is under consideration by another journal (unless disclosed to the editor).
  • The submission is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word.
  • URLs for references are included where applicable.
  • The text is single-spaced, uses a 12-point font, and employs italics for emphasis (except for URLs). All figures, tables, and illustrations are embedded within the text at appropriate locations rather than placed at the end.

The manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic standards outlined in these Author Guidelines.


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